3-years Intensive Training in IRELAND
1st session

3-years Intensive Training 2017 – 2019 in Ireland
Directed by Friedel Kloke-Eibl and Saskia Kloke
Meditation and self-awareness in dance
Dance is disengagement, is freed movement, it is wakeful aliveliness. The one who dances attunes himself to the rhythm and becomes alive with the music. Jörg Zink
The aim
Dances and Choreographies by Friedel Kloke-Eibl, Saskia Kloke and Bernhard Wosien to classical, religious and folk music will be learned and are the subject of in-depth study – they are an aid to the individual‘s inner composure – and also circle and round dances from many folk traditions. Using simple exercises from classical ballet and other sources, we try to promote awareness of body and space. There will be an introduction to the symbolic content of the dances, which will be grouped thematically (e.g. meditation and prayer / symbolism of the spiritual path, etc.).
Ort: Ireland